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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
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Author Guidelines

Hang Tuah Medical Journal (HTMJ) is a periodically scientific publication that contains articles written in Indonesia or english. HTMJ contains a variety of articles / texts in the form of research, literature reviews, case reports, and brief communication in the field of Biomedical Sciences, Clinical Sciences, Public Health and Medical Education. HTMJ published twice a year (May and November). The articles will be published in HTMJ only manuscript that has never be published or published in Proceeding or other journal. Writers who will publish the article please follow the HTMJ guidelines. The entire management process both admission and review the article is done by online. The fund provider should be included in the acknowledgement to avoid any conflict of interest


 Article Types

Original/Research Article

Manuscript in the research article or Original article containing substantial novel research. Research articles can presented in randomized controlled research, observational studies, diagnostic studies, experimental animal trials, or any other clinical or experimental studies.

The written manuscripts must consist the components of scientific articles as follows (subtitles in order): title, author's name, institution, abstract (Bahasa Indonesia and English), introduction (without subheads, containing research background, problem, and research objectives), materials and methods (with or without subhead), results, discussion, conclusions, suggestions (if needed), and references.


Literature Review 

Literature review is systematic review of the research review (literature review) that discuss meta-analysis of the problems with minimal 10 references. 

The written manuscripts consist: title, author’s name, institution, abstract (Bahasa Indonesia and English), introduction, bibliography search method (database used, keyword in literature search, number and type of literature found), discussion (author’s perspective, meta-analysis, literature review), conclusions, suggestions (if needed), and references.


Case Report

Case report usually describe one to three patients or a single family. Case report containing a substantial novel finding, should be unique, representing a diagnostic or therapeutic challenge and having a learning point for the readers.  

The written manuscripts consist: title, author’s name, institution, abstract (Bahasa Indonesia and English), Case presentation (introduction, background, laboratory examination result, objective of the study) discussion (discuss about the topic, other research result), conclusions, suggestions (if needed), and references.


Manuscript Preparation

The manuscript can be written in Indonesian or English with the number of pages between 10 - 25 pages including pictures and tables. The manuscript should be written as per the template of this article in printed form. The article should be written with A4 (210 x 297 mm) writing field size and with left margin format 3 cm, right margin 3 cm, bottom margin 3 cm, and upper margin 3 cm. The manuscript should be written with Arial type with 12 pt font size (excluding article title, author's name and abstract title), Multiple space (1.5), and in one column format. The distance between columns is 10 mm. Each manuscript’s page should have a page number. The manuscripts received by HTMJ through plagiarism checking process with Turnitin an/ or Plagiarism Checker.

Manuscript Template

Hang Tuah Medical Journal offers the template in Microsoft Word to creat standar and format style to journal articles. Download template


Manuscript Sections for Papers

  1. Title
  2. Title Page (author’s name, affiliation, email, address or phone number)
  3. Abstract and keywords (in Indonesia and English)
  4. Text
  5. Conflict of interest
  6. Acknowledgements (or fund provider)
  7. References 



The title should be clear, concise and informative, a maximum of 15 words, Arial font 12pt, bold, one space.

Title Page

Title Page contain Name of all authors written complete (without academic degree) with address of affiliated institution, e-mail, and landline or mobile phone (optional) 

 Abstract and Keywords

The abstract should be short and clear, containing between 200 - 250 words along with 4 to 6 keywords. A structured abstract consist of background (including objective), methods, design, results and conclusions. Below the abstract, provide a list of 3–10 keywords


This section without subheadings, containing research background including prior work, scientific gaps, brief statement that explain author’s perspective (pro or contra), novelty the research, highlighted problem, and research objectives. Citations must be in written by last name of first author followed by publication year, If there is a citation for the same name and publication year, Arabic letters are added after the publication year.


Pendahuluan juga memuat  tinjauan pustaka dan hasil penelitian dari penelitian sejenis, atau penelitian sebelumnya. Penyitiran pada referensi menggunakan gaya selingkung Harvard (Harvard, 2017a).

Penyitiran dengan nama dan tahun yang sama harus ditambahkan huruf Arab dibelakan tahun (Harvard, 2017b)


This section contain materials and methods (with or without subhead), Research design, subjects of research, collection and Sample size, procedure laboratory or data collection, Measurements, Statistical analysis, Ethical clearance (optional).


This section may be divided by subheadings. It should provide precise and brief description of the experimental results and the interpretation.


This section may be divided by subheadings, summarize the mayor findings. Discussion section should compare the results with previous work or study, analyze the scientific findings, limitations of the study, clinical implication of the study, further research possibilities.

Conflict of Interest

Authors should disclose at the time of revision any financial arrangement of fund provider, company whose product is involved to the submitted manuscript or with a company making a competing product. Such information will be held in confidence while the paper is under review and will not influence the editorial decision, but if the article is accepted for publication, a disclosure statement will appear with the article. 


Acknowledgments to Anyone (individual/company/institution) who contributed to the study for important intellectual content must be acknowledged.


References are written according to the Harvard Style in order of appearance in text with last name of first author and year of publication. Authors are encourage to check all references very thoroughly. References must be single-spaced and and written in alphabetical order.  “Unpublished observations” and “personal communications”, blog or unscientific paper may not be used as references; if cited, a letter (from the person quoted) granting permission must be submitted. The minimal number of references should be 10 and 85% of them should published during the last 10 years and use primary references). Authors is recommended to use reference management software, in writing the citations and references such as: Mendeley®.

Tables and Illustrations (Figures)

Tables and Figure are placed in groups of text after the table or image is referenced. Each image should be titled image (Figure Caption) below the image with Arabic serial number followed by the title of the image. Each table should be given title table (Table Caption) with the Arabic serial number above the table followed by the title of the table. The images must be guaranteed to be printed clearly (font size, resolution and line size should be printed clearly). Image should not bordered (no outline). Images, tables, and diagrams should be placed according to columns between groups of text or if too large are placed in the middle of the page. The table should not contain vertical lines, whereas horizontal lines are allowed but only the important ones

Identify statistical measures of variations, such as standard deviation and standard error of the mean. There is normally a limit of 5 figures and tables (total) per manuscript.

Units of Measurement

Measurements of length, height, weight, and volume should be reported in metric units (meter, kilogram, or liter) or their decimal multiples. Temperatures should be in degrees Celsius. Blood pressures should be in millimeters of mercury, unless other units are specifically required by the journal.

Statistical Methods

For tables comparing treatment groups in a randomized trial (usually the first table in the trial report), significant differences between or among groups (i.e. p<0.005) should be identified. In general, p values should be reported to three decimal places (i.e. p<0.001).


Authors are required to describe in their manuscripts ethical approval from an appropriate committee and how consent was obtained from participants when research involves human participants and animals. 


Hang Tuah Medical Journal seek to protect the rights of our authors and we always investigate claims of plagiarism or misuse of articles published in the journal. Where an article is found to have plagiarised other work or included third-party copyright material without permission or with insufficient acknowledgement, we reserve the right to take action to: publishing an erratum or corrigendum (correction); retracting the article (removing it from the journal); taking up the matter with the head of department or dean of the author’s institution and/or relevant academic and banning the author from publication in Hang Tuah Medical Journal. 

Examples of correct forms of references 

Reference written with the last name followed by the first and middle initials without being followed by a comma (,) or a period. Authors of more than 5 people only written the first 5 authors followed by et al. The writing of the article title is not italicized. Written in 12 pt Arial letters, single line spacing.

Reference from journals (1); Reference from thesis/ scientific work (2); Reference from Books (3); references from the internet (4).

  1. Reference from journals:
  •  Writing systematics: author name comma (,) year period (.) Article title period (.) Journal name dot (.) Volume comma (,) colon number (:) page
  • Writing the name of the journal/ publication is italics


Agarwal A, Virk G, Ong C, and du Plesis SS, 2014.  Effect of Oxidative Stres on Male Reproduction. Word J Mens Health.  32 (1): 1-17

  1. Reference from thesis/ scientific work
  • Systematics of writing: author's name comma (,) year period (.) Title of thesis / thesis / scientific paper dot (.) Name of scientific work (.) Publisher comma (,) city published dot (.) Page
  • Writing the name of the scientific paper in italics


Yunus AF, 2015. Potensi Ekstrak Daun Timo (Kleinhovia hospital) Sebagai Antioksidan Dan Antihiperlipidemia : Metode DPPH Dan Penghambatan Lipase In Vitro. Skripsi. Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Jember, Jember. 

  1. Reference from Books:
  • Writing systematics: author name comma (,) year period (.) Article title period (.) Book title (.) Publisher comma (,) city published dot (.) Page
  • Writing the title of article in italics


O’Dell JR, 2012.  Rheumatoid Arthritis. Goldman-Cecil Medicine 24th ed.  Elsevier, Canada. 1681-1689

  1. Referensi from internet :

 Writing systematic: website title (,) year period (.) Article title point (.) Website link